**Please read the entry criteria carefully before entering to ensure your entry is eligible**
The awards are FREE OF CHARGE to enter
Entry Deadline 18 October
Automotive, Electrical or Electronic Product
This category covers interior or exterior plastic components incorporated in the design of automotive products, as well as electrical and electronic appliances.
Plastic parts incorporated in the design of cars, trucks or motorbikes which are made of recycled materials are eligible. Additionally, appliances like washing machines, vacuum cleaners, coffee makers and such can be submitted - the sector of application is not limited but the products must be made of recycled plastic materials.
Functionality, sustainability and innovativeness will be the guiding criteria in the evaluation of entries. Moreover, the aesthetic qualities of the product will be considered, in addition to the novelties introduced to the respective sectors.
Disclaimer: Please note that detailed information must be provided for each question in the application form. Incomplete applications or applications lacking sufficient information will be disqualified. The information submitted within the application form will be reviewed by the organisers (Crain Communications and Plastics Recyclers Europe), as well as the jury panel. Any sensitive information about the products or innovations will be strictly kept confidential.
Read carefully the basic criteria before filling in the application.
Building & Construction Product
Plastic products used in construction destined both for outdoor and indoor applications are covered within this category. A wide range of products can be submitted, including flooring, piping, window frames, insulation, roofing, doors, wall coverings, landscaping products, outdoor furniture, etc.
The durability and recyclability of products, as well as the value added in terms of sustainability for the building & construction sector will be the key aspects by which the products will be evaluated. In addition, the evaluation criteria will consider the usefulness of the product and its ability to effectively substitute the conventional materials used, as well as any novelties it brings to the sector.
Disclaimer: Please note that detailed information must be provided for each question in the application form. Incomplete applications or applications lacking sufficient information will be disqualified. The information submitted within the application form will be reviewed by the organisers (Crain Communications and Plastics Recyclers Europe), as well as the jury panel. Any sensitive information about the products or innovations will be strictly kept confidential.
Read carefully the basic criteria before filling in the application.
Household & Leisure Product
Any plastic product present in households and used for everyday activities, including leisure activities and sports, or any other product that improves everyday life falls under the scope of this category. Domestic goods, sports and leisure equipment, fashion accessories, furniture, and any other product, apart from electronic & electric appliances, can be submitted.
Functionality, usefulness of the product, and its ability to effectively substitute conventional materials, along with aesthetics will be the key evaluation aspects for this category. The recyclability of the products, as well as the value added in terms of sustainability, will be considered.
Disclaimer: Please note that detailed information must be provided for each question in the application form. Incomplete applications or applications lacking sufficient information will be disqualified. The information submitted within the application form will be reviewed by the organisers (Crain Communications and Plastics Recyclers Europe), as well as the jury panel. Any sensitive information about the products or innovations will be strictly kept confidential.
Read carefully the basic criteria before filling in the application.
Plastic Packaging Product
This category covers products used for consumer plastic packaging. Entries with innovative designs that improve recyclability of a packaging are encouraged. The submitted product must be a consumer good and produced for commercial packaging use (including food and non-food applications, e.g. dairy products, drinks, washing liquids, etc.).
RecyClass analysis must be performed for the submitted packaging product. Packaging with grades A, B or C are eligible to apply. Recyclability of the packaging will be the guiding evaluation aspect for this category. Additionally, the novelties and innovation introduced to the packaging sector will be considered.
Disclaimer: Please note that detailed information must be provided for each question in the application form. Incomplete applications or applications lacking sufficient information will be disqualified. The information submitted within the application form will be reviewed by the organisers (Crain Communications and Plastics Recyclers Europe), as well as the jury panel. Any sensitive information about the products or innovations will be strictly kept confidential.
Please note you may be contacted by the organisers to verify the accuracy of your RecyClass analysis.
Read carefully the basic criteria before filling in the application.
Product Technology Innovation
This category covers technology innovations that facilitate the production of recyclable products and/or the use of recycled content to produce plastic products. Any technology development that helps to eliminate or overcome current obstacles to recyclability or the use of plastic recyclates in innovative high-end applications, qualifies under this category. The technology innovation will be judged based on, among other aspects, the effectiveness, efficiency, innovation, performance, quality, and profitability of the process, as well as the improvements it brings in terms of the recyclability of products.
Disclaimer: Please note that detailed information must be provided for each question in the application form. Incomplete applications or applications lacking sufficient information will be disqualified. The information submitted within the application form will be reviewed by the organisers (Crain Communications and Plastics Recyclers Europe), as well as the jury panel. Any sensitive information about the products or innovations will be strictly kept confidential.
Read carefully the basic criteria before filling in the application.
Recycling Machinery Innovation
Within this category, innovative machinery advancements which increase the efficiency and effectiveness of plastic recycling processes can be submitted. Developments and innovations in the fields of sorting, grinding, shredding, washing, filtering, extrusion and other stages of the recycling process can be submitted, given they are directly involved in the process of plastic recycling.
The machinery will be judged based on, among other aspects, the effectiveness, efficiency, innovation, performance, quality and cost-efficiency it brings to the overall plastic recycling process and based on how it contributes towards higher quality recycling.
Disclaimer: Please note that detailed information must be provided for each question in the application form. Incomplete applications or applications lacking sufficient information will be disqualified. The information submitted within the application form will be reviewed by the organisers (Crain Communications and Plastics Recyclers Europe), as well as the jury panel. Any sensitive information about the products or innovations will be strictly kept confidential.
Read carefully the basic criteria before filling in the application.
Plastics Recycling Ambassador
This award will be presented to an inspirational individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the European plastics recycling industry in the last 12 months. This category is open to industry professionals, politicians, civil servants, NGO activists, citizens or any other individual dedicated to advocating for and advancing the recycling of plastics. Please nominate individuals you feel would be worthy of such an honour.
Note: You are not able to nominate yourself.
Basic criteria
Submitted entries must satisfy the following qualifying criteria:
- Submitted product/innovation must be designed, developed or manufactured in Europe and it must be a finished product (it must have been commercially released/ its commercial release is planned for 2025)
- Product must be made from post-consumer or pre-consumer recycled plastics, not including production scrap (material used back in internal processes). Products must contain at least 50% recycled content, of which at least 40% must be post-consumer.
- Entries must disclose the origin of the waste (packaging, household, commercial, agricultural, building and construction, automotive, electrical & electronic waste streams etc.) from which the recycled material is sourced. Evidence must be provided on request.
- Product must be made of conventional plastics (submitted products or projects must not include biodegradable or oxo-degradable content)
- Product must not be older than 2 years, while the submitted technology and machinery innovations must not be older than 4 years
- Products must be recyclable (see definition here)
- Submitted entries must promote sustainability, circular economy and they must reflect the following aspects: fitness for purpose, market need and market potential
Judging process
Submitted entries are evaluated based on the basic and category-specific criteria. Entries which qualify are shortlisted and selected as finalists.
During the second stage of evaluation, finalists are asked to submit any additional information that will help the jury panel evaluate the entries in detail. Scores are assigned for each entry, according to different criteria (e.g., recyclability, innovativeness, etc.).
Entries with the highest total scores are selected as winners. In case of a draw, the jury chair is tasked with selecting the winning entry.
In case where a conflict of interest arises, the specific jury member is excluded from evaluating the given category.
Reoccurring entries will not be considered. Furthermore, an entry cannot be submitted in more than one category – if there is any confusion as to which category your entry qualifies for, please contact the organising team. The jury panel reserves the right to move entries between categories based on their suitability.
If you have any questions, please contact us